Set up your remote cardiac rehab clinic in a day

Deliver cardiac health outcomes for your patients, reliably, consistently

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Built by Lupin Digital Health, an exclusive digital therapeutics
partner of American College of Cardiology

Cardiac rehabilitation offered with the
power of digital therapeutics

Increase treatment adherence

  • 90%of users take medicines on time
  • 85%of users take their vital readings and diagnostic tests on time
  • 90%of users visit their treating Doctors for follow-ups on time

Increase quality of life with multi-disciplinary team

  • Qualified Nutritionists for personalized diet plans
  • Physiotherapists for physical activity & exercise routine
  • Mental health experts for psychological support
  • Paramedics to manage off-range vital readings

Deliver proactive care with patients' health data

  • Get real-time update of patients' vital readings & lab reports
  • View & analyse digitised medical history of patient

Higher patient satisfaction

  • Patients stay connected with their Doctors longer
  • Patients experience better health outcomes and refer their Doctor to friends & family

Cardiac rehabilitation is a mandatory recommendation (Class 1A) by all major
global bodies including the American Heart Association & American College of Cardiology2

Get recognized as a pioneer in Digital Therapeutics by the American College of Cardiology

Health outcomes validated with RWE study

90% medication
83.3% achieved blood pressure
within normal range
0% readmissions within
90 days

Cardiac rehabilitation has helped more than a million people worldwide

Lyfe’s scientific approach has helped*

Reduce Cholesterol

14 mg/dl

Reduce Blood Pressure

8 mmHG

Reduce Blood Sugar

6 mg/dl

Adherence to treatment


*30-day outcomes from an RWE study conducted by Lupin Digital Health.

You own your health data!

Lyfe is ISO 27001:2022 certified

Encrypted personal data

Only the Doctor & Health Team can view your data

Wherever you are in India, Lyfe is here to help

  • Lyfe is trusted by450+ cardiologists in India
  • Lyfe is helping patients in more than250 cities & towns

Experience Lyfe today

Get in touch with our health expert


    1. Bracewell BJ, et al. Cardiac rehabilitation: Effective yet underutilized in patients with cardiovascular disease. Clin Cardiol. 2022;45(11):1128-34. Canadian Journal of Cardiology; 29.10: S156

    2. Astley CM, et al. Remote cardiac rehabilitation services and the digital divide: Implications for elderely populations during the COVID19 pandemic. Eur J Cardiocasc Nurs. 2021;20(6):521-3.